Colorado Landscape Architecture Firm | Design Concepts

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Meet the DC Team: Rachel

Name: Rachel Brenna

Number of years at DC: 2 + 5 =7

Title: Associate and Landscape Architect

Where are you from? It’s a big circle around the center of the country - born in Boulder, grew up in Mississippi, brief tour in the mid-west for school, and back to Colorado.

Where did you go to school? Iowa State University with a semester at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

Do you have any pets? What are they like? One cat named Coconut. She is the best kitty on the planet - although she would probably tell you she doesn’t get enough love.

What's one thing you can't live without? Friends, family, new challenges (ok, that’s several things I can’t live without).

Where is the farthest you have traveled? Been to lots of places, but Australia and New Zealand are probably the farthest from here.

What's your favorite food? Anything that is good, fresh, and homemade (except eggplant).

What's your favorite part of working at Design Concepts? The people. Staff and clients alike.

What would you do with $1 million? Pay off the house, set some aside for retirement, help those who need it, and travel, travel, travel.

What is your favorite movie? I have lots of favorites, but my status as a new Mom puts Raising Arizona at the top.

What inspires you? Things that are beautiful and people that are passionate.

What's one totally random fact about yourself? Microwaves creep me out.